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How the Rosary strengthened our family.

When I first met my wife, she was not at all keen on praying the Rosary.

As a cradle Catholic, she had memories of being forced to pray it – bored to tears – each night by her devout grandmother.

Despite this, since the beginning of our relationship and into marriage, I've insisted on us building a daily prayer habit based around the devotion of the most Holy Rosary.

Because of my wife's reservations, and also to make it easier for the kids in the beginning, we started off slowly.

For the longest time, we just prayed a single decade together.

To my wife and kids, a single decade felt like an eternity.

But I encouraged them to persist, confident in the fruits this new spiritual practice would bring.

Over the course of a year, I slowly but surely, added on more and more decades to our nightly Rosary, like a weightlifter adding more weight to the bar over time.

My wife and children, while still finding it challenging to concentrate... I could see began to really appreciate our nightly sitdowns of peace, tranquility and spiritual meditation through the sacred mysteries of the Rosary.

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Fast forward to today, and my wife has fallen in love with the Rosary, and she really hates to skip our nightly Rosary, even for one day.

We pray a full five decades each evening, and we involve the kids by having them dedicate a decade each to their intentions.

Their minds still wander, of course, they are kids after all.

But the spiritual fruits I've seen in them have been astonishing.

The Rosary builds patiences and discipline like nothing else, and something about it makes it simply perfect for praying together as family.

Just like working out, praying the Rosary is hard.

It requires effort, concentration and discipline.

But just like a good workout routine, once you've established the habit for long enough... to go without it, just doesn't feel right.

If for some reason we're unable to pray our nightly Rosary, it always feels like we go to bed with something missing.

And we do, because The Rosary is a powerful spiritual weapon like no other, that can help deepen your Faith and build you up in virtue.

If you're a father and husband, give your family the blessing of leading them in prayer with the Holy Rosary, each evening before bed.

I 100% guarantee, that if you build this daily prayer habit, you will never, ever, regret doing so.

God bless.