Daniel James

For Founders, CEOS & Consultants

High–traffic SEO & social to flood your business with ready–to–buy leads.

High–traffic SEO & social to flood your business with ready–to–buy leads.

High–traffic SEO & social to flood your business with ready–to–buy leads.

SEO Content, Copywriting & Social Media Ghostwriting for business owners looking to drive traffic and crush revenue.

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Daniel James

Hey, I'm DJ,

I'm a husband, father, and a convert to Catholicism from radical atheism and leftism.

As a teenager, I was radicalized by anarchist music and literature.

Consumed by anger, pride and insecurity, I sought affirmation through radical activism and domestic extremism.

I believed my half-baked leftist ideology was the answer to the world's problems.

By 18, I had been arrested numerous times and spent time in a young offenders institution for public order offences.

At the age of 20, I was sentenced to five years in prison for my role in the UK's most notorious animal rights activist campaigns, after an international investigation that made headlines around the world.

After prison, I spiralled into degeneracy and pickup culture, fathering two children outside of marriage — one through an affair with a married woman.

By a miracle of God's mercy, while living alone with my son in South America, I received the Grace of conversion.

I began a journey of self-reflection and repentance which ultimately led to my son and I receiving the sacrament of Baptism into the Holy Catholic Church, at the Christmas Vigil Mass of 2021.

Now, I'm happily married and run a six-figure online business where I've helped clients reach over $100m in revenue.

I write online, sell courses and host a podcast about my experiences as a radical leftist extremist turned Catholic father and entrepreneur.

My mission is simple: to help my sons - and as many young men as possible - avoid the mistakes and errors that I fell into, and to live lives of financial freedom, faith, family and virtue.

I'm here to share my story, defend tradition, reveal the truth about leftism, and teach you how to make money online so you can win back quality time with your wives and children.

No matter what you've done, and where you've been, you're never beyond the mercy of Almighty God.

Daniel James Signature

How I can help



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Self-paced courses teaching you how to build a business online and turn knowledge into income.